Troubleshooting Fruit Problems On Your Backyard Apple Trees


Growing apples in your backyard can be fun and productive, but like any other tree, an apple tree requires some care. You'll need to monitor it to ensure it stays in good health so that it can produce abundant fruit. You'll also need to troubleshoot any problems that arise.

Here are three potential problems with the fruit on your apple trees and what you can do about them.

1. Deformed Fruit 

Several different fungal diseases can affect apple trees, some of which affect the fruit directly. For example, if your apple tree has sooty blotch or flyspeck, the apples may exhibit black spots or blotches. Consult with your tree trimming expert if you suspect your tree has a fungal issue.

Powdery mildew is another fungal condition that can cause fruit problems. If your tree has powdery mildew, the fruit may be blemished. Pruning the tree can reduce powdery mildew overgrowth by increasing air circulation, so be sure to keep your trees well-trimmed.

2. Too Little Fruit

Sometimes an apple tree simply doesn't set any fruit (or sets very little). In some cases, even a large number of blossoms will result in few fruits if the temperatures dip too low during blooming, or if not enough insects are present for pollination. 

However, if the tree isn't blooming, check that you aren't pruning it too severely. Apple trees are typically spring bloomers, which means pruning in late winter removes some of the flower buds that it's developing for this spring. You don't want to remove too high a percentage of these.

In addition, many apple trees use special small branches called spurs to produce fruit. These take time to grow, so you don't want to prune all the spurs off or you'll inhibit this year's fruiting potential. Your tree trimming expert can help you prune your tree without removing too many fruiting spurs.

3. Fruit Eaten by Pests

Some types of pests can damage an apple tree's fruit production by making the tree less healthy, while others can eat the fruit itself. Gypsy moth caterpillars can do both. They can completely strip a tree of its leaves, leaving it weaker; and they're indiscriminate eaters, so they can eat the flowers and even fruit as well.

Although you may need to spray the trees if you have a current infestation, better tree hygiene and cleanup can help control gypsy moths in the future. For example, make sure your tree services company removes any debris from pruning as well as any fallen branches and dead tree stumps.

These are just three things that can go wrong with your apple trees and how you can avoid the problem or prevent it in the future. If you're unsure what's wrong with your tree, talk to your local tree trimming professional about the best way to diagnose and treat the issue. For more information about tree trimming, contact a local service.


28 October 2020

A Tree For Every Yard

Elm, ash, walnut, maple, apple — these are all gorgeous trees, but they all have their own preferences in terms of care. Maple trees, for example, need to be pruned later in the season once their sap has begun flowing. Elm trees should be pruned in winter when insects aren't around in order to protect them from the emerald ash borer. A good tree care company will treat each of your trees as individuals, customizing care to their own specific needs. Still, it's important that you, as the tree owner, understand those needs, too. Read the articles on your website, and you'll soon have a pretty good grasps on the basics of tree care.