When dealing with the trees around your property, you may only be able to trim or prune them partially because you can't safely reach the top, or you may not be confident enough to trim any of them correctly. Hiring a tree pruning service to come and attend to those trees is often the safest way to ensure they are maintained and remain healthy and strong.
Tree Pruning
Tree pruning is a normal part of keeping the trees on your property healthy and thriving. When it is time to remove some branches, you need to know what to cut and what not to.
A tree pruning service can trim all the trees you have around the yard for you, ensuring that the trees are not damaged, so they continue to grow and flourish. This can be extremely helpful if you have a large number of trees on the property or if they are very tall and hard to reach. The tops of the trees need to be assessed just like the rest of the tree, and the appropriate pruning is needed to ensure they stay healthy for years to come.
The tree pruning service will bring a bucket truck that allows the trimer to reach the top of the trees, or they may have a climber ascend the tree and trim the tops. In both cases, these are highly experienced workers that know how to safely move around the tree and what to remove from it.
Pruning Small Trees
The tree pruning service you hire can work on any small trees on your property and get them ready for winter by pruning them back and removing any branches that may impede the tree's development. The pruning process often looks like the tree is cut back too much, but if you are working with an experienced pruning crew, they know what to cut off and what to leave to ensure the tree comes back healthy and strong in the spring.
Damaged Trees
If you have a tree on your property that appears to be dying or damaged in some way, a tree pruning can check the condition of the tree for you and recommend a solution. Sometimes pruning branches to remove the dead ones will allow the tree to recover and grow new foliage, and other times the tree service may recommend taking the entire tree down.
If the tree needs to come down, the service can cut it into sections, removing the top, middle, and then lower part of the tree carefully so no one is hurt and nothing on your property is damaged. Once the tree is down, you can have it cut into pieces and save it for firewood or the tree pruning service can haul it away for you.
Share27 September 2021
Elm, ash, walnut, maple, apple — these are all gorgeous trees, but they all have their own preferences in terms of care. Maple trees, for example, need to be pruned later in the season once their sap has begun flowing. Elm trees should be pruned in winter when insects aren't around in order to protect them from the emerald ash borer. A good tree care company will treat each of your trees as individuals, customizing care to their own specific needs. Still, it's important that you, as the tree owner, understand those needs, too. Read the articles on your website, and you'll soon have a pretty good grasps on the basics of tree care.